Carnegie Elementary School administration and staff believe that parental involvement is an essential component in the education pathway to excellence of our students. In compliance with Title 1, Part A of the Every Student Succeeds Act, Carnegie Elementary School Parental Involvement Policy will be kept on file in the Main Office. Parental Involvement Mission: To establish and maintain a partnership between parent and the school in order to provide effective support and educational opportunities of the highest quality for all students.
- Accountability
Carnegie Elementary School shall provide a variety of measures to ensure a partnership with the teachers and parents to be committed to creating a collaborative, structured environment that meets and exceeds the needs of the whole child. Parents, students, and teachers will sign an "Accountability Agreement” during the fall of each school year that outlines the responsibilities. Parents and students will receive notification of the District Behavior Response Plan, Dress Code, and Attendance Policies at the beginning of the school year. Progress reports, phone calls, parent/teacher conferences and grade cards will be provided to the parents to help monitor their child's progress. Parents will sign the Parent School Compact.
- Material Packets
Carnegie Elementary School shall provide a parent resource area. This will be located in the main office and will consist of a variety of community resource information to assist parents meet individual needs of our families..
- Communication
Carnegie Elementary School will communicate information to all parents. A detailed list of upcoming events both school wide and classroom will be provided. Carnegie will provide flyers, phone calls and telephone messaging systems such as school messenger and talking points. Social media will be used to inform parents from PTA. This information will be provided in home languages as needed.
- Teamwork and Participation
To increase parental involvement, we need parents' support by volunteering at (10) hours at the school. Research has shown when parents are active in their child's education, students are more likely to succeed in learning and when their families actively support them.
- Title I Meeting
Carnegie Elementary School will hold an Annual Title I meeting to inform parents of the parent involvement policy, parent school compact, parents right to know, provide compliments and concerns survey, review title budget, attendance and overall school annual school report card.
VI. Other Requested Activities
Carnegie Elementary will also develop partnerships that are practical for community organizations and business to help in parental involvement activities.
This policy is in accordance with:
Tulsa Public Schools shall promote parent involvement in all schools as mandated by Title I, Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) and work as equal partners with parents in providing quality learning experiences for every student, every day, without exception. The Board believes and acknowledges that parent involvement raises the academic achievement level of students. Additionally, parents become empowered, teacher morale improves and communities grow stronger when parents participate in the education of their children at all grade levels. The Superintendent or his/her designee shall provide coordination, technical assistance and other support necessary to assist all schools in planning and implementing effective parent involvement activities to improve student academic achievement and school performance. Title I Parent involvement establishes that to build capacity for parent involvement with schools, a district is to “develop jointly with, agree on with, and distribute to parents of participating children a written Parent Involvement Policy.”