School Name

Find It Fast

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Find It Fast - Box 1

Find It Fast - Box 2

Find It Fast - Box 3

Elementary School

Middle School

High School

Getting to School

Regular student attendance is vital to learning. Under the compulsory education law, it is the duty of the parent or guardian to notify the school regarding the reason for absences of school­-aged children.

If it is necessary for you to be absent, please have your parent/guardian call the attendance desk at 918-833-9440 before 10:30 a.m. After 48 hours, ​all undocumented absences will be considered unexcused and counted as truancy.

Bell Times 

Opening Bell 7:30 a.m.
Dismissal Bell 2:35 p.m.

Contact Us

Carnegie Elementary 
4309 E. 56th St. 
Tulsa, OK 74135

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