District Dress Code Links
- Uniform polo shirts can be worn in any color. (Optional)
- Carnegie spirit shirts or any TPS spirit shirt encouraged.
- Tops or any outerwear should not display profanity, alcohol, marijuana, or any other inappropriate logo.
- Tank tops, spaghetti straps and strapless tops/dresses are not allowed.
- Costumes and pajamas are not allowed.
- Hood on hoodie, cannot be worn on the head in the building.
- Coats, hats, gloves, scarves, etc., must be stored in students’ lockers.
- No holes or rips.
- Jeans or uniform pants can be worn in any color.
- Shorts, skirts, skorts, dresses, and jumpers should be touching the longest finger length at the side of the leg.
- Skirts, dresses, or jumpers must have tights or shorts under them.
- Ripped, stained, soiled clothing, or clothing which is too tight or revealing is not school attire.
- Leggings if worn alone must have a shirt that covers the student's bottom.
- Shoes need to be athletic style and affixed to the foot for safety reasons.
- No slides, flip flops, sandals, boots, high heels, roller shoes, or cleats.
- Coats, hats, gloves, scarves, etc., must be stored in students’ lockers or cubbies.
- Hats, caps, curlers, sweatbands, bandanas, or scarves may not be worn within the school building unless prescribed by a physician and approved by the school administration.
- Headbands with adornments such as ears, horns or any decorative headbands are not allowed.
- Sunglasses, unless prescribed by a doctor, shall not be worn to class or within the school buildings.
- Visible pierced jewelry shall be limited to the ear.
- Expensive jewelry is discouraged. If worn, earrings must be small. Large hoop and dangling earrings are not allowed for safety reasons.
Movement Mondays
- Every Monday students can wear work out attire such as sweats and shorts.
- Leggings must have a shirt that covers the students’ bottom. They cannot be worn as shorts or alone.
- Athletic wear only.
Spirit Day Friday
Non Compliance
- Daily announcements will include dress code checks by each teacher.
- If referred to the dean, or health clerk, and is deemed not in compliance, students will change into a school uniform.
- If we do not have the student’s size in a uniform, parents will be contacted to bring appropriate clothing.
- Teacher of that student will send the dress code policy to parents on talking points or email.
- The student will return back to class until the article of clothing arrives unless it is distracting to be in class until appropriate clothing arrives.
- Chronic offenders will be referred to the principal and loss of certain rights to wear items can be taken away. For example: If a student continues to wear inappropriate short length then that student can lose the right to wear shorts to school.