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Find It Fast

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Elementary School

Middle School

High School


Carnegie Elementary
Updated June 2024

Appropriate dress and good grooming are recognized as positive factors for maintaining a learning environment where students can feel safe and secure. Students are expected to show good judgment as well as respect for themselves and others. Dress and personal grooming should not present health or safety problems, cause actual disruptions of the educational process, or offend common standards of decency. The following student dress code guidelines are to be followed by each student. Uniforms are now optional. 

District Dress Code Links




  • Uniform polo shirts can be worn in any color.  (Optional)
  • Carnegie spirit shirts or any TPS spirit shirt encouraged.
  • Tops or any outerwear should not display profanity, alcohol, marijuana, or any other inappropriate logo.
  • Tank tops, spaghetti straps and strapless tops/dresses are not allowed.
  • Costumes and pajamas are not allowed.
  • Hood on hoodie, cannot be worn on the head in the building. 
  • Coats, hats, gloves, scarves, etc., must be stored in students’ lockers. 


  • No holes or rips. 
  • Jeans or uniform pants can be worn in any color. 
  • Shorts, skirts, skorts, dresses, and jumpers should be touching the longest finger length at the side of the leg.
  • Skirts, dresses, or jumpers must have tights or shorts under them. 
  • Ripped, stained, soiled clothing, or clothing which is too tight or revealing is not school attire.
  • Leggings if worn alone must have a shirt that covers the student's bottom. 


  • Shoes need to be athletic style and affixed to the foot for safety reasons.
  • No slides, flip flops, sandals, boots, high heels, roller shoes, or cleats.


  • Coats, hats, gloves, scarves, etc., must be stored in students’ lockers or cubbies. 
  • Hats, caps, curlers, sweatbands, bandanas, or scarves may not be worn within the school building unless prescribed by a physician and approved by the school administration.
  • Headbands with adornments such as ears, horns or any decorative headbands are not allowed. 
  • Sunglasses, unless prescribed by a doctor, shall not be worn to class or within the school buildings.
  • Visible pierced jewelry shall be limited to the ear.
  • Expensive jewelry is discouraged. If worn, earrings must be small. Large hoop and dangling earrings are not allowed for safety reasons.

Movement Mondays 

  • Every Monday students can wear work out attire such as sweats and shorts.
  • Leggings must have a shirt that covers the students’ bottom.  They cannot be worn as shorts or alone. 
  • Athletic wear only. 

Spirit Day Friday

  • Wear a Carnegie T-Shirt to show school spirit. 

Non Compliance 

  • Daily announcements will include dress code checks by each teacher. 
  • If referred to the dean, or health clerk, and is deemed not in compliance, students will change into a school uniform.   
  • If we do not have the student’s size in a uniform, parents will be contacted to bring appropriate clothing.  
  • Teacher of that student will send the dress code policy to parents on talking points or email. 
  • The student will return back to class until the article of clothing arrives unless it is distracting to be in class until appropriate clothing arrives. 
  • Chronic offenders will be referred to the principal and loss of certain rights to wear items can be taken away.  For example: If a student continues to wear inappropriate short length then that student can lose the right to wear shorts to school.